Monday, March 11, 2013

Generative Art: Scribbler

When I first looked at Scribbler, I decided it looked interesting. This morning when I decided to start this project I was excited to see what I was going to make. I made a whole bunch of images and saved them. I tried a whole bunch of techniques to see which ones I liked. After a while I noticed that you could add color. So then I made more images and added color. There where a lot of colors to choose from so I didn't know where to start. I ended up picking my favorite colors to add to my images. After all the images I had made I had the daunting task of picking two that I liked and wanted to post. I picked these two images because in a way they are different. One has curls and swirls and the other has straight lines and that's it. The colors are similar because each one contains my favorite color. I really like these images because they are interesting to me and the second one looks like some sort of bridge structure.

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