Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Day in the Life of Baby Ironman

This project was fun to think of. It was challenging at first because I had no idea what to do. My first idea was to do a day in the life of me or my shoes or something like that. But I thought everyone did that. So then I thought of my Ironman bobble head, and thought that's a great idea. To put this presentation together was a long process. I had to keep switching the theme because I didn't know which one to pick but I picked this one. lol. Then I put each picture on a slide. Some of my pictures went on the slide just fine but others I had to redo. Some of my pictures I had to go back into iPhoto and change the size of the picture. Google would only take pictures that were 2000 x 2000 or smaller, so I had to change a few. After I had all the pictures in, I added the text to describe what he was doing and I arranged the pictures in the center or wherever I wanted them. After that I saved it and I published it!!

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